Dominique Pozzo

Country: Italy
Dances in the Wind: The Dance of Freedom

Dominique Pozzo, born in 1993, from Marcottini – Doberdó del Lago, fell in love with photography at a young age: after her high school studies she began working in a photography studio where, supported by various professionals, she refined her passion.

Since 2013 she has been on her own way and making shoots that have taken her to Slovenia, France, the United States and Spain. She is currently based in Slovenia, on the border with Italy.

In recent years she has specialized in social media photography, i.e., photo shoots for companies and their social media presence.

“The creation of this photo was driven by the desire to capture a unique moment where the elegance of dance harmoniously blends with the beauty of the surrounding nature. The dance, with its intrinsic grace, was immortalized in a context where movement seamlessly integrates with natural elements. The aim was to visually shape the delicacy of ballet while highlighting its connection with the environment, creating an image that celebrates the aesthetics of the performance and the majesty of nature.

This photograph symbolizes the harmonious fusion between the artistic expression of dance and the strength of nature. The freely moving ballerina represents elegance and freedom, while the open background bathed in natural light reflects the timeless beauty of nature. The image aims to convey the magic and power of the art of dance, finding its most authentic expression when connecting and integrating with the wonder of the natural world.”

FACEBOOK: dominiquepozzophotography

INSTAGRAM: dominiquepozzoph